
AIPS Information

The software used for the Interferometric processing is ESA SNAP v. 6.0

The data processed are form the ESA SAR Satellire SENTINEL-1A & 1B

The multilook factor is 6 range X 2 aximuth and the final geotiff phase and amplitude product is at 25 m in UTM/WGS Transverse Mercator projection. THE DEM used is SRTM 3Sec. 

The processing is automatic. 

O/S Centos 7.0

Currently the following products are being provided:

Using no filter and a Goldstein Filter :

  • Phase products
  • Amplitude products
  • High resolution pngs
  • Figures 

The products are being updated at the same day of the acquisitions.


Curently four tracks of SENTINEL-1 are being calculated over the central Greece. These are 809, 175, 7 and 109 as in the following figure.



The steps in SNAP graphic builder block diagrams are:

AIPS Steps Graphic builder

STEP 4 details

AIPS SNAP step4 ver4 details


AIPS services provided herein are "as is" with no express or implied warranty for accuracy or accessibility.

The service provider has done its utmost to ensure that the material and calculations displayed on are accurate. However, errors may occur. AIPS accepts no responsibility or liability for any incorrect material.

2024  NGProS   Panagiotis Elias